OrthodonticMarketing.net Blog

5 Things Every New Orthodontist Should Be Doing With Their Practice Right Now

Top Five Tips

Building a successful orthodontic practice is about more than straightening teeth. While having good credentials and proven skills is certainly important, such proficiency alone will not guarantee success. After all, orthodontics may be an elite specialty that requires extensive training and schooling, but a successful practice is just like any other business. It requires smart […]

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Marketing Consistency

marketing consistency is key

Good or bad, a marketing piece or campaign may need to be seen more than once. Like most things in life, finding the right balance of consistency is often a facet of effectiveness. While getting it right the first time is ideal, and a realistic endeavor, many potential patients will need some convincing. As you […]

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Effective and Efficient Marketing

effective and efficient marketing

We will make your practice’s direct mailing effective and efficient. Sounds great right? But what’s the difference? While effective and efficient seem rather synonymous, they realistically have very different meanings—especially for your orthodontic practice. The Difference Correctly understanding the difference between effective and efficient in business and marketing situations is critical for long-term success. Effectivity […]

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Scheduling Matters

scheduling your dental marketing

The summer months may have given your patients some added flexibility in terms of appointment times and scheduling. What happens come fall, back to school, and more demanding schedules? As you, and your staff begin to project business and your own work load this fall and winter, think about successfully optimizing your scheduling and office […]

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Nepal Earthquake Donation Drive Update

At OrthodonticMarketing.net, we treat our team like family. Recently, we had the opportunity to come together as a company to help two of our employees during a natural disaster. Two of our best IT professionals, Niraj Aryal and Chiran Subedi (pictured on the right), were impacted by the earthquake in Nepal. Both are natives of Nepal and […]

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The 3 Keys to Your Successful Customer Service

After your first successful postcard campaign, you are ready to handle more customers. As these new customers come through your doors and into your exam rooms, they will have already done quite a bit of observing and mental note taking. Customer service is an important element of any business, especially a service-based business such as […]

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Branding: What Do You Want to Be Recognized and Remembered For?

Most successful orthodontic marketing is done across multiple platforms: Social media, direct mailing campaigns, and online marketing strategies to name a few. As you navigate your orthodontic marketing options, remember some of these critical factors. Your Practice’s Story As you begin or revamp your practice’s marketing campaign, consider key messages. Your practice has a specific […]

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Patient Loyalty Strategies for Orthodontists

Although external marketing is a staple of any successful orthodontic practice in generating more calls and starts to the office, current patient referrals should always be the number one source for new patients. That means your taking care of the people you have and they are willing to let others know about you and typically […]

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How Postcard Marketing Fits the Niche

While competition in orthodontics is at an all-time high, Americans’ attention spans are at an all-time low – down from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds in 2013. Your opportunity to catch the attention of your potential patients just got even shorter. Joseph McCormack, Marketer and Author of Brief: Making a Bigger Impact by […]

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Orthotown Magazine Feature – April 2015

OrthodonticMarketing.net was recently featured in the April 2015 issue of Orthotown Magazine, a professional magazine for the orthodontic community. Orthotown was created and is curated by orthodontic specialists, so we were thrilled to be able to share our insights and discuss industry trends with the orthodontic community. Aaron R. Boone, director of OrthodonticMarketing.net, was interviewed […]

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